Entry points

An entry point is a Java class which is configured for a JAR and will be used when

java -jar my.jar

is executed.

Design custom entry point

The org.tatools.sunshine.core package provides 3 main interfaces which are a base for any Sunshine’s wrapper:

  • Suite defines a test suite and may be adapted to a test runner
  • Kernel runs encapsulated Suite on desired test runner
  • Star reports Kernel’s execution status to command line interface

Also, there is a SunshineSuite interface with several core implementations which allow seeking and filtering of the classes to be treated as tests. Sunshine uses a string representation of a class as an input to a filter which uses Java pattern matching to filter classes. For instance, there is a LoginTest class in com.example.mypackage package. It will be converted to com.example.mypackage.LoginTest and then put to a filter.

Each wrapper provides its own implementations at least for Suite and Kernel. For instance, if the classes located in pro.extsoft.comments.tests package have to be executed by TestNG and status of the execution has to be reported to the CLI, the code snippet will look like

new Sun(
    new TestNGKernel(
        new LoadableTestNGSuite(
            new RegexCondition("^pro.extsoft.comments.tests(.+)?")

You can wrap it with any additional logic which is required for your tests execution. For instance, some input arguments can be read to generate test data before testing, etc.

If you need an example, please take a look for jcat repository.

Default TestNG entry point

Class: org.tatools.sunshine.testng.Sunshine

The class exposes the following behavior:

  1. java -jar my.jar seeks for classes with word Test in the class name (a filter uses (.+)(Test)([\w\d]+)? regex), runs discovered tests, and reports results to the CLI.
  2. java -Dtests-regex="^(com.company.smoke)(.+)" -jar my.jar does the same as the previous one except a class name has to match with ^(com.company.smoke)(.+) regex.
  3. java -jar my.jar testng.xml runs tests defined in testng.xml file (it can be either TestNG XML or TestNG YAML).

Default JUnit 4 entry point

Class: org.tatools.sunshine.junit4.Sunshine

The class exposes the same behavior as default TestNG entry point exposes except the last option. All tests will be executed using JUnit 4.

Default JUnit 5 entry point

Class: org.tatools.sunshine.junit5.Sunshine

The class exposes the same behavior as default TestNG entry point exposes except the last option. All tests will be executed using JUnit 5.

Code snippets for different use cases

Specify regex

There is a regex which has used to filter classes from current classpath.

TestNG sample

new Sun(
    new TestNGKernel(
        new LoadableTestNGSuite(
            new VerboseRegex(
                new RegexCondition("^my.package(.+)?")

JUnit 4 sample

new Sun(
    new Junit4Kernel(
        new JunitSuite(
            new VerboseRegex(
                new RegexCondition("^my.package(.+)?")

Specify classes directly

There are some classes which have to be treat as a test suite.

TestNG sample

new Sun(
    new TestNGKernel(
        new LoadableTestNGSuite(
            new SuiteFromClasses(

JUnit 4 sample

new Sun(
    new Junit4Kernel(
        new JunitSuite(
            new SuiteFromClasses(

Sequential execution of Kernels

There is a suite of tests which needs to be checked with several different listeners. For instance, if a listener is not configured, the tests will use some cache, otherwise, no cache before each test. And we have to run the suite with and without the listener.

There is a specific Kernel called SequentialExecution which allows execution of described use case:

final Kernel<ITestNGListener> suite = new TestNGKernel(....);
new Sun(
    new SequentialExecution<>(
        suite.with(new CleanCacheListener())